Home / horse names / that start with L
We've compiled the biggest list of horse names for pet owners, starting with the letter ‘L’. Horse names with the letter L give you a variety of names to make your work for finding the best suitable name. There are enough nicknames here for you to pick the ideal one for your mare, stud, gelding, or colt, whether you're searching for boy, girl, or renowned horse names. So, let’s get started…
Name | Vote |
Lace | 99 |
Lacey | 37 |
Lacy | 99 |
Lady | 79 |
Legacy | 71 |
Legend | 70 |
Leighton | 50 |
Lemon | 96 |
Lemonade | 25 |
Lemondrop | 89 |
Lennox | 33 |
Leo | 91 |
Liam | 45 |
Liberty | 77 |
Licorice | 49 |
Lifetime | 67 |
Light | 63 |
Lightning | 85 |
Lila | 61 |
Loca | 67 |
Lockerbie | 35 |
Locket | 21 |
Loco | 57 |
Logic | 36 |
Lollipop | 50 |
Lolly | 29 |
Lorcan | 37 |
Loren | 81 |
Loyalty | 72 |
Lubbock | 71 |
Lucan | 36 |
Lucas | 72 |
Lucky | 25 |
Lucy | 46 |
Ludovic | 95 |
Lugh | 99 |
Lugosi | 98 |
Luxury | 78 |
Lyle | 82 |
Lyndon | 58 |
Lyric | 71 |