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Harry Potter Cat Names

By Author, Last Updated : Mar 23,2024

Well, here comes a list for some incredible and iconic names for your from your harry potter series. For your cat you have got the best of names below, all you have to do is scroll and get the best of names. Harry potter cat names can match the perfect vibe and makes you feel relatable that you have a magic walking around you. So are you ready to give your pet a classic name? Go and Get started..


Harry Potter Cat Names

Alastor 62
Albus 92
Arabella 23
Barty 36
Brian 61
Bulstrode 72
Cedric 39
Cho 51
Colin 46
Dean 20
Dedalus 51
Diggory 28
Dobby 60
Draco 44
Dumbledore 81
Dursley 53
Errol 80
Filch 58
Fleur 100
Godric 94
Griphook 96
Hagrid 26
Harry 31
Hedwig 77
Helga 87
James 85
Kingsley 53
Lavender 21
Lily 25
Longbottom 47
Lovegood 77
Luna 59
Malfoy 59
McGonagall 35
Millicent 72
Minerva 33
Moody 29
Narcissa 59
Neville 48
Newt 24
Nymphadora 52
Olivander 92
Oliver 46
Padma 43
Parvati 43
Percy 27
Petunia 38
Pixie 50
Regulus 80
Remus 64
Ron 78
Rosmerta 61
Scabbers 79
Sirius 85
Sirius Black 82
Tonks 48
Umbridge 46
Viktor 84
Voldemort 24
Weasley 52
Winky 35
Xenophilius 76

By Author

Published On : 23/03/24 , Edited On : 23/03/24

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