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German Cat Names

By Author, Last Updated : Apr 20,2024

The German cat names list is filled with the most unique and desirable names. Being a pet owner, you can think of various categories that may blow your mind with unique names. German cat names is one such category wher you can find strong and personal meaning to it. The culter is so rich and people are charming with their thoughtful names. Your pet deserve a decent and polite name. At PetsWander, you can find plenty of German cat names for your reference so that finding a name becomes easy and much explorable.


German Cat Names

Adele 95
Agnes 66
Angelika 63
Anja 70
Anka 22
Anton 46
Asterix 98
Attila 84
Barbarossa 69
Bratwurst 20
Cissy 66
Claus 87
Dierk 85
Dina 69
Dux 30
Emil 45
Emma 53
Erika 22
Ernst 45
Falka 41
Finn 39
Floh 65
Frank 85
Frederick 31
Frieda 62
Fritz 79
Gabi 46
Gisela 88
Golo 89
Greta 86
Hans 63
Haro 99
Heidi 38
Helga 33
Henry 34
Hermann 53
Hilda 28
Hugo 56
Ida 34
Ingrid 36
Jacob 89
Janko 24
Johanna 81
Jonas 47
Kafta 68
Kai 81
Klara 71
Liesa 82
Luca 64
Magda 90
Maus 89
Max 83
Mieze 89
Mortiz 93
Munich 31
Murr 64
Oscar 22
Otto 63
Petra 75
Sauerkraut 82
Schnitzel 100
Sebastian 42
Sophie 67
Wodka 81
Wolfgang 42
Wunderbar 25

By Author

Published On : 13/04/24 , Edited On : 20/04/24

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